"Blind unbelief refuses to examine evidence when it supports truth different from that mindset," it is said.

Even though way back on July 19, 2002, and again September 14, 2016, the media proclaimed what true nutritional scientists have known for decades, that it is chiefly carbohydrates, not fats, that cause obesity, we still see little evidence that some of the most reliable scientific studies have been accepted. There seems to be ittle comprehension of the fact that high carbohydrate intake stimulates insulin which turns excess glucose from carbohydrates into body fat!
Mouthing the FDA dietary pyramid (which might be best turned on its head), one t health (using the term "health" loosely) magazine issue tell us "Fill your plate!" with high carbs such as breads, pasta, brown rice, fruits (fresh, frozen or canned in juice), cereals, beans, and lentils, while cheese, whole milk, butter, meat, fish and fowl should be limited to two servings a day or less. (Maestas, A., Save Big Bucks at the Supermarket, Prevention, Dec. 2002-48) 

Yet the media again admitted no less than an additional six studies back then proved the Atkins low carb diet produced weight loss. Though I did not recommend that diet for several reasons; even so, it does prove it is usually excess carbs, not fat, that makes us fat. (That's not to say that wrong fats [highly processed and rancid polyunsaturates, margarines, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated] should ever be ingested. "I'd add [quality] cod liver oil, vitamin A-rich foods like [organic] liver, and an avoidance of all polyunsaturated and hydrogenated fats and oils with a corresponding increase of fats and oils rich in saturated fatty acids like [unrefined] coconut oil and butter. Vitamin A is very key (sic) in protecting the epithelial tissues against infection and cancer. These tissues are found abundantly in the lungs. The extra saturates protect against free-radical activity and damage while polyunsaturates and hydrogenates increase both." wrote Steven Byrnes in Health on the Edge, 1-15-03.
 Many populations around the world consume low fat/high carbohydrate diets with no animal protein with its saturated fat, suffering correspondingly high rates of diseases of insulin resistance and CVD. Epidemiological studies of vegetarian Indian Hindus show mortality rates from cardiovascular disease equal to or greater than those found in western countries, despite their vegetarian diet. Yet among the tropics' primitive populations consuming vast amounts of coconut oil (saturated fat), heart disease is practically unknown.

One of the best educational tools regarding carbohydrates is Life Without Bread (Allan & Lutz, Keats Pub., 2000). Co-author of the book, Wolfgang Lutz, MD,  treated 10,000 patients over three decades with low carb diets (72 grams/day or less) resulting not only in weight loss or gain as appropriate, but in a majority of the cases successfully handling a large variety of hard-to-heal severe health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, Crohn's and ulcerative colitis.

Balancing of hormones that results from reduced carbs might account for the acne cure of such a diet, though alleviating the skin's detoxification of highly processed foods likely figures into it. While we do not subscribe to the speculative Paleonutrition included in the book, it is nevertheless a rich resource for professional and lay-person alike, very well documented with countless credible and scientific studies.